This is where I began to develop patterns with shapes that I have taken from my day of the dead research. However unlike Day of the dead I don't particularly like using symmetry which most of those designs do. This is another monotype print which as worked really well especially because it looks textured which is something I'm hoping I will be able to achieve successfully in my final designs.

I created this print in about November of last year (I'm just slow putting it all on here) however I can see slight similarities to Joshua Harkers patterns. Obviously not exact but detailing and all the shapes fit into each other to continue the pattern.

I've said that I don't like symmetry ( I know thats a big statement but it's true) but i decided to try a symmetrical pattern just so i've covered different angles and I thought there might have been a chance I'd change my mind. The above image is the result. It looks to stiff to me, it doest flow enough. Which can be rectified if I thought more about the design but this was just a quick experiment.

The above image is my acetate stencil created using indian ink. I am going to use this for one of my first screen prints and then I plan to work into the pattern to make it more detailed and intricate. That is more experimenting though, for the extra detail.

Heat press print. Using the same basic pattern I have added small rows of dots, although not a lot of detail has been added this is a very good start to developing the pattern further.