Showing posts with label Various Types of Batik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Various Types of Batik. Show all posts

Various Types of Batik

Friday, July 26, 2013

Batik in Java

There is nowhere in the world where the art of batik has been developed to the highest standards as in the island of Java in Indonesia. All the raw materials for the process are readily available - cotton and beeswax and many plants from which the dyes are made.
It is not known when the batik was first made but the traditional skills were particularly well developed over hundreds of years in Central Java around Yogyakarta and Solo under the patronage of the Sultan and his court. Designs were copies and in some cases the cloths could only be used by certain people or on certain occasions. The royal families had their own proscribed designs. On the coast designs were developed differently, influenced by settlers from China, the Dutch colonists and traders from India and Arabia.
1.Two methods of applying wax are used The cloth is hung over the frame and the design is drawn on with a canting, a small copper cupped spout which is attached to a bamboo or wooden handle. The canting is dipped into a pot of hot wax and then allowed to flow through the spout on to the fabric. On thicker fabrics the waxing is carried out on both sides. This process is carried out by the women.

Various Types of Batik 
2.The cloth is stretched on to long tables and a cap or copper stamping tool is used. This is dipped into a pan of hot wax and pressed on to the fabric. This enables the design to be repeated many times and is usually done on both sides of the fabric by men. This is a much faster method of wax application.

Various Types of Batik

The traditional dyes used are deep indigo blues and soga browns and these are still the characteristic colours for work in central Java. Towards the end of the 19th century chemical dyes were introduced in the coastal regions and as a result of this the colours are usually brilliant and more varied.
The final hand made lengths of cloth, known as Tulis, may take several months to produce and are consequently very expensive. Everywhere in Indonesia people still wear clothing made from batik cloth and the tourist industry has opened up a new market for cheap batik clothing and pictures.

Batik Kraton

Various Types of Batik
Explanation: the beginning of all kinds of batik in Indonesia is growing. His motive implies a philosophy of life. These batiks made ​​by the daughter of the palace and also batik-batik experts who live in the palace. Motive basically forbidden to be used by the "ordinary" as motive Parang Barong Batik, Batik Batik Parang Udan Corrupt including Lyrical, and some other motives.
Batik Cuwiri

Explanation: meruapakan motif that uses natural dyes saga. This batik is usually used to semekan and a tank top, also used during the ceremony mitoni. Motif is mostly using the elements and Gurda Meru. Cuwiri itself has little meaning for the wearer appropriate and expected and respected.
Batik Pringgondani

Various Types of Batik
Explanation: Name kesatriyan residence Werkudara son Ghatotkacha. This motif is usually displayed in dark colors like blue indigo (indigo blue) and soga-brown, and full of tiny tendrils interspersed with dragon.

Batik Sekar Jagad

Explanation: One of the typical Indonesian batik motifs. This motif contains the meaning of beauty and the beauty that others see will be fascinated. There also assume that the motive Sekar Jagad actually comes from the word "kar universe" which is taken from the Java language (Kar = map; Universe = the world), so that this motif also symbolizes diversity throughout the world.

Batik Sida Luhur

Explanation: Motives beginning sida (read sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / be / happen. Thus, motifs beginning with "sida" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. Motif Sida Luhur (read Sido Luhur) meaningful hope to achieve a high position, and can be a role model for society.
Batik Kawung

Various Types of Batik
Explanation: Motif Kawung Kawung patterned dots like fruit (a type of coconut or sometimes also considered a fruit and fro) are cleanly laid out geometrically. Sometimes, this motif is also interpreted as a lotus flower (lotus) flower with four leaves are chapped. Lotus is a flower that symbolizes longevity and purity. Usually the motives Kawung named after his great-round-oval shape contained in a certain motif. For example: Kawung Picis is kawung motif composed by a small circle shape. Picis is a coin worth ten Senyang is small. While Kawung bribil is kawung motifs composed by larger form than kawung Picis. This is consistent with bribil name, the currency is bigger than picis and a half cents worth. While kawung round-oval shape larger than bribil Kawung called Kawung Sen.
 Batik Semen Rama

Explanation: interpreted as a depiction of the "spring of life" (life thriving or prosperous). There are several types of ornaments on the principal motives of cement. The first is related to the mainland ornaments, such as herbs or quadruped. The second is related to the air ornament, like the eagle, bird and megamendung. While the third is associated with sea ornament or water, such as snakes, fish and frogs. Type of ornament is most likely something to do with the Three Realms or Tribawana understand. This ideology is the doctrine of the three worlds; center of the world of human life, the world where the gods and saints, as well as the underworld of street life where people do not really / satisfied insolence. In addition to the meaning of motifs Rama Cement (Cement read Romo) itself is often associated with the Ramayana story that is full of teachings or doctrine Hastha Brata primacy through eight road. This is the doctrine of the primacy of discourse Ramawijaya to Wibisana when crowned the king of Lanka. So "Cement Romo" doctrinal main properties that should be possessed by a king or leader of the people.

Batik Sida Asih

Explanation: Motives beginning sida (read sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / be / happen. Thus, motifs beginning with "sida" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. Meaning of motif Sida Asih (read Sido Asih) is the expectation that people develop a sense of mutual affection and love between people.
Batik Tambal

Penjelasan :  Tambal memiliki arti tambal bermakna menambal atau memperbaiki hal-hal yang rusak. Dalam perjalanan hidupnya, manusia harus memperbaiki diri menuju kehidupan yang lebih baik, lahir maupun batin. Dahulu, kain batik bermotif tambal dipercaya bisa membantu kesembuhan orang yang sakit. Caranya adalah dengan menyelimuti orang sakit tersebut dengan kain motif tambal. Kepercayaan ini muncul karena orang yang sakit dianggap ada sesuatu “yang kurang”, sehingga untuk mengobatinya perlu “ditambal”.
Batik Sida Mukti

Explanation: Sida Mukti meruapakan motif that is usually made from natural dyes saga. Usually used as a fabric in the marriage ceremony. Tekandung motive element in it is Gurda. Motifs beginning with sida (read sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / be / happen. Thus, motifs beginning with "sida" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. One is sida mukti, containing hope to achieve inner and outer happiness.
Batik Sudagaran

Explanation: It is the prohibition of the palace motif that makes artists from the merchant to create a new motive to taste the merchant. They also changed the motive motive restrictions so that the public can use. Sudagaran batik designs generally impressed "bold" in the election form, stylization on natural objects or animals, or a combination of colors that dominated Soga and dark blue colors. Batik Sudagaran present in the quality of workmanship as well as the complexity of the process of presenting a new decoration. Batik batik creator Sudagaran change Isen, Isen palace with intricate and filled with cecek (spots) so as to create a very beautiful batik.
Batik petani

Explanation: batik is made ​​as a distraction activity housewife at home when not to go into the fields or during leisure time. This batik is usually coarse and clumsy and not smooth. His motives hereditary fit each area and batik is not done professionally because only as a sideline. For staining was included to the merchant.

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