Trendy According to Your Style

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Anyone who tries to remain trendy as far as fashion is concerned knows how extremely difficult this can become. What with all the changes that happen every time in terms of material, color or pattern; these seem to change every other minute with the slot for the hottest item changing every single minute, literally. The truth of the matter is that maintaining your fashionable trend is not going to be one straight forward task. In order for you to avoid worrying too much, you need to learn a few dynamics on how to remain trendy according your style and taste.
Style and Fashion: In order for you to develop a conceptual framework that will assist you to remain in trend, you perhaps need to start by knowing the difference between these two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. You must have heard many people tell you that this and that item is no longer in style when in actual sense they meant to say that the item is no longer on fashion. Style can be said to describe a product that has been so designed with specific characteristics of features in order to distinguish it and make it different from any other products that can be said to be similar. Think about the' New Look dress that was designed by Christian Dior in 1947 as a style that the consuming public considered a fashion instantly.
In most European nations, many fashion trends were set by rulers when members of their courts followed them, sometime blindly. Take for instance King Lois XIII of France who wore a wig to hide his baldness; it was not long before fashion loving Frenchmen started shaving their heads bald and wearing wigs in order to appear trendy.
Definition of fashion: Fashion, on the other hand is a term that is used to describe a form of venture that the general public may use to judge items from time to time. This is perhaps the reason why a particular fashion will stick in place for a couple of weeks, months and in rare cases a few years before it is quickly replaced by a new fashion. An activity of a product will be said to be in fashion for as long as a small size of the population accepts it as such. However, things change and begin to go downwards as soon as the activity or product becomes common place and a large part of the population settles for it.
Makers of fashionable items such as scarves, handbags, clothes etc always create an item ahead of a season and share it with a popular manufacturer who will then plan how to foretell what trend is coming in the next season. These people will then choose how to package the information as well as identify some celebrities they are going to use as a source of the information. Sooner than later all popular magazines and catalogs are profiling the item as a trending fashion. Choose your fashions according to your style and you can be sure always appear trendy, no matter what popular catalogs and fashion magazines are profiling.

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