The Importance Of Men's Style

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Women like a well-dressed man as much as we like them in a little black dress and heels. Taking care of your appearance tells them something about who you are and they respect that. It portrays the standards you set for yourself in life. A well-dressed man is more confident, appealing and if not already so, more likely to be successful. Let's not kid ourselves. Women are attracted to confident, successful men. That's no secret.
Clothes are not just a superficial shell covering the character within but an extension of that character. Style is a way of saying who you are without having to open your mouth. There is little we can easily control when it comes to our appearance but with style we can choose the appearance we wish to give to put our best foot forward. Why would you not choose to give the best impression and be the best version of yourself? Having high standards is a lifestyle philosophy, something you bring to your wardrobe choices, your professional life and how you treat your family. Why settle for anything other than great? Clothes give you a confidence that breeds into areas of your life other than your physical attractiveness. When you look good you feel good; when you dress well you act well. Act well and you are treated well in return. It's a virtuous cycle of wellness. And it's time to put those wheels in motion.
Rarely do you see a well dressed but ill mannered man. (I hesitate to say never). There's a reason you never found Ol' blue eyes looking anything less than sharp. He knew what he was worth and went out to get it. He dressed for the success he wanted before he ever got there.
Well-cut, quality clothing is the modern day suit of armour for the modern day knight. We may now travel in trains, planes and automobiles instead of a trusty steed and, though they have undoubtedly changed, we are all still fighting our own battles in life. A knight wouldn't go into battle without his steel plate or chain mail. His modern equivalent shouldn't go into his battles underdressed either.
The experience and true benefit of great clothing is not external. The art is in how it makes you feel on the inside, inspiring confidence and success in pursuits of both business and pleasure.
When you walk into the room, at a bar, at a restaurant or at work, you can imagine the difference in how you feel when you know you are well dressed - that the clothes are cut to fit and suit you. You stand out in a good way.

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